How To Catch More Carp On Zig Rigs | Mikey Callaghan

Despite being phenomenally effective, some carp fishing tactics remain remarkably underused by anglers. Zig Rigs, certainly qualify as one of these tactics, but why? If you're an angler who is uncertain about Zigs, OMC's Mikey Callaghan shares his best tips to help you add them to your fishing...

Mikey Callaghan Brasenose Carp

Zig fishing can be an absolutely devastating tactic, especially around the late winter/early spring months. As the weather warms up and we get bright sunny days, the carp will be exploring those warmer layers, and a well placed Zig will produce those bites!

What Is a Zig Rig?

A Zig Rig is basically a carp fishing tactic than involves suspending a buoyant hookbait straight off the lead so it sits high in the water column. Carp often are moving well above the bottom, so this is a good way to intercept them. 

Lock Hook Zig Rig

How I Set Up a Zig Rig

In my opinion, the Pin Lead Clip System is your best option for Zig fishing. There are a couple of reasons for this; the first is the risk of your Zig becoming tangled is massively reduced compared to using something like a running lead set up. The second reason is the lead can be ejected should it need to be when playing the fish. This is important because, particularly with longer Zigs, the lead can bounce around and sometimes cause the fish to throw the hook. When ejecting the lead, the risk of this happening is hugely reduced.

omc carp fishing lead clip

To this lead system you then simply need to attach a long hooklink with a floating hair rigged bait at one end. The hooklink material used should be a lighter monofilament, so the Zig doesn't sag in the water column and isn't too obvious to the fish. Always ensure you add a Vitabitz Anti Tangle Sleeve too, that will help keep your Zig separated from the lead system. 

carp fishing anti tangle sleeve
For my hook I use two patterns, the phenomenal Lock, and the resilient Colne-V. If I'm expecting lots of bites and don't want to change or Touch Up my hook regularly, it is the Colne-V. But if I want to cast a Zig out and leave it a long period, it will always be a Lock. I know if I hook one on the Lock, it won't come off. 
zig rig colne v hook

The key with Zigs is to try and find the right depth, so you need some sort of an idea of how deep the water is in front of you. I then try and use Zigs on all three rods (if allowed) and vary the depths on all three until I've found that magic length! Having a load of Zigs tied up ready to go at different depths can be really helpful.

zig rigs ready

Zig Rig Hookbaits

Believe it or not, a carp will take a small bit of foam! In fact, foam is arguably one of the best Zig Rig hookbaits alongside standard pop-up boilies. This can be varied in colour too, so don’t be afraid to keep changing the colours of your foam/pop-ups regularly.

On bright and sunny days, black foam can be absolutely deadly and this has been said to be the most standout colour under the water! The OMC Zig ZOMBIE (currently on test) is a perfect choice, a variety of colours with the added option of changing the colour of the top!

OMC Zig Zombie

If you want to add even more appeal to your Zig hookbait, get it in some soak. Using your favourite liquids, this adds that extra bit of attraction in the water. Foam takes on flavours really well, just like the rest our our Revibed Artificial Baits Range.

hookbaits soaking

When and How To Use a Zig Rig

Zigs can work well at any time of year, but really come into their own in the early spring. If there are clear signs there are fish near the surface….GET THOSE ZIGS OUT!

Zigs are extremely versatile and can be used as long or short as you need. In really deep water, it is sometimes best to seek the aid of specialised Zig Floats that are adjustable, so you work from the surface down, not the bottom up. 

You can use Zigs as single hookbaits with the confidence you will always be presenting all through the day or night. Alternatively, you can create a feeding response over your Zigs by spodding in a “sloppy” mix...

Beginner Carp UK

How To Make a Sloppy Spod Mix

Zig slop can be created from almost anything. Crushed boilie, fine groundbait, oats or hemp put through the B8M8 all work well - anything that will sit up and down that water column. Make sure it is really wet and stodgy, so a cloud explodes from the mix once it hits the water. This is a great way to increase your chances of a bite, especially on well stocked lakes where there is competition for food! Once it starts working, the key then is to be consistent and bait regularly and accurately to keep those carp around your Zigs.


Searching With Zigs

Like all times in fishing, location is always key. Keeping those Zigs moving and altering the depths, will all help towards finding that area where the carp will be cruising in the water. Once you find this, multiple bites can be had, so keep casting! 

Bite Indication With Zig Rigs

I always fish with tight lines if I'm Zig fishing. A single beep is all you need, whether this is a slow drop back, a slight movement on your bobbin, or a slow rise - this could be a carp on the end!

Sometimes, depending on the length of the Zig, you will get a screaming run, others, a small indication is all you will get... and all you need! 

Hit every single indication on Zigs, you may miss bites if you hesitate. Worst case scenario, nothing is there and you cast it back out, rather that than miss the opportunity of a fish! If you fish as tight as you can, you won’t miss any indication at all. 

Linear 30lb carp on a zig rig

Be Ready For Surprises!

Once you have confidence fishing with them, you'll be amazed at the fish you can catch on Zigs. Carp, big and small, even some bonus surprises! Linear Fisheries St Johns Lake is notorious for producing some huge catfish on Zigs. I've been fortunate (or unfortunate) enough to catch a couple. You need kit you can rely on to land these things, they pull like crazy!

Linear Zig Catfish
catfish hooked on zig rig

The most important bit of all…HAVE FUN! That's what fishing is all about! And if you want to just keep catching, Zigs are the best way to do it. Play about with all different sizes, hookbaits and flavours, be confident they are presenting and you'll be wondering why you spent so much time with baits on the bottom. Give them a go this season! 


Article author Mikey Callaghan is part of the angling duo Beginner Carp UK, who joined the OMC Family back in the summer of 2024. Keen and regular carp anglers, Mikey and his fishing partner Gavin spend most of their time on popular day ticket venues such as Linear Fisheries and Norton Disney.